Friday, January 30, 2009

Oracle PL/SQL Packages

PL/SQL package is used to group related PL/SQL code and constructs together.

There are two parts of PL/SQL package:

1. Package specification - declares the public components of the package
2. Package body - implements public and private components of the package

Below is an example of PL/SQL package.

PROCEDURE getstud;
END reg_pkg;
PROCEDURE getstud IS ...

BEGIN ... RETURN total_stud; END;
END reg_pkg;


Always think of the things that you want. If it’s money that you want to attract, you should think of money. If it’s relationship, you should think of relationship. If it’s car, you should think of car.

If you think of poverty, then you will attract poverty. If you think riches, you will attract riches. If you think of happiness, you will attract more happiness. If you think of loneliness, you will attract more loneliness.

You should monitor your thoughts. Don’t think of the things that you don’t want. Think of the things that you do want. In 24 hours, we have lots of thoughts. It would make you crazy if you will monitor your thoughts every moment. The easiest way to monitor your thoughts and to make sure that you have good thoughts is to ask yourself this question: “How do I feel now?”. If your answer is “I feel good”, then you’re in the right track. You should think of the good things. You might want to think of your loved ones and ask yourself the same question until your answer is “I feel good”. Keep on doing that and you will attract good things into your life.


Every night before you sleep, pray for the things that you want. And there is one secret that you should know about how to have an absolute faith. Know what you want and ask for it just once in your prayer. The next and succeeding nights of your prayer should not ask for it again. You should believe that you already received what you asked. Instead of asking for it again, you should be grateful for you already received what you asked. Always say ‘Thank you’ to God and feel good. That’s the absolute faith!

Talking about the lack of money

If you’re talking to your friends or to anyone that you don’t have enough money, then you will not have enough money in the future because that’s what you attract. But if you say to them that you have more than enough, you will attract that thought.

There is a miracle or great secret in attracting more money into your life. And the secret is to give more to charity or church. The more you share, the more you will have. As you share your blessings, you should feel good. If you don’t feel good, you will never attract money or any good things to your life.

Emotion of Love

Love is the key to every problem on earth. Without love, there will be war.

Have you ever tried to get angry with anyone? If your answer is no, you’re good at controlling your emotions. Emotion of love dominates in you. If your answer is yes, this blog would help you to eliminate any emotion of anger and emotion of hatred that reside in your heart and mind.